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What do you mean "inclusion"?
Making sure there are no barriers to anyone taking part as a full citizen in society - for Pi, it's about disabled children especially.

In our "Getting a Life" leaflet we say: -


    More than integration.

    Young people being taught together in ordinary classrooms.

    Specialist support being brought to the child.

    Ordinary schools changing.

    Focussing on a child's strengths and abilities.

    All young people learning about the history of disabled people.

    Accepting difference as ordinary, and not an excuse to dismiss, reject or ridicule.

    Young disabled people never being forced to lead separate lives away from their families and communities.

    Young disabled people getting the full and effective education they need to lead full and effective lives as adults.

    The views and opinions of young disabled people and children being valued and acted on.


    Inclusion is NOT special units on the site of mainstream schools.

    Inclusion is NOT placing children in mainstream schools without appropriate support.

    Inclusion is NOT integrating 1 or 2 pupils with no school and equal opportunities approach.

    Inclusion is NOT moving children to mainstream schools from special schools for 1 or 2 hours a week.

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Parents for Inclusion