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Inclusion helpline

Call our helpline and talk to other parents:

Mondays and Wednesdays
10 - 12 am and 1 - 3 pm

(*If you ring from a mobile phone your provider may charge you,
so you may want to call our helpline 'land line' instead: 020 7737 5599)

The Helpline is run by parents for parents

Calls are taken by trained and experienced parents. Your child may be a disabled child or have difficulties in learning. Your child may be experiencing emotional distress or problems with behaviour.

We aim to:

We believe that all children should be allowed to be together whatever their disability, ability, race, class or gender.

"I had no idea such wonderful things were happening just over the borough border. If one family could negotiate an inclusive place at secondary school then so could we."

"I had no idea what an Ed Pysch was or what power she had. After I had spoken to another parent on the Pi helpline I had a clear idea of what we as a family really wanted and went to the meeting with a plan for the authorities to listen to, not the other way round."


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